点评:parking is definitely a big problem. that's the first challenge you need to overcome. second, they break for lunch. so, if you got there by 11:30, chances are, you have to wait for more than an hour before you are allowed entry. third, their restaurant is making a killing for guests who got stranded during lunch. tip: bring your own food and drinks and eat inside your car.
imagine the rice terraces. but instead of grass sprouting, assorted flowers of various colors are in place. if you are not into flowers, don't bother coming here. but if your girl you are professing your love to adores flowers, this will make her swoon over you. the effort to bring her here is definitely worth sky rocketing handsome points. she's yours at the first glimpse of that mil de rosa.
50 pesos environmental fee. 250 pesos for entrance fee. a mere 300 pesos (plus gas, food, sunburnt skin, aching leg muscles) is nothing compared to the different joy and the literal high you'll experience in this farm filled with blossoming plants.
50比索环境费。入场费250比索。区区 300 比索(加上汽油、食物、晒伤的皮肤、疼痛的腿部肌肉)与您在这个种满鲜花的农场中体验到的不同的快乐和真正的兴奋相比,根本不算什么。