
Aknaf Alsawary – Iraq Travel Agency旅游景点攻略

Aknaf Alsawary – Iraq Travel Agency
Aknaf Alsawary – Iraq Travel Agency景点点评
伊拉克……哇……令人震惊,无话可说 我到达巴格达的那一刻,当地人表现出最好的态度,并热情地说道 assalamualaikum ya habibi’ / 桃子降临在你身上 ya habibi 这种文化真的给我留下了深刻的印象,他们总是互相问候,即使是陌生人 我很感激我遇到了 Aknaf Alsawary 旅行社。从 2024 年 1 月开始,我就和 Ahmed 先生进行了交流。 我对以前游客在伊拉克的旅行安全以及这家公司进行了大量研究 毫无疑问,Aknaf 旅行社是伊拉克最好的旅行公司。最可靠、最专业、最热情。 再次感谢你们让所有流程顺利进行,尤其是签证流程 再次感谢我的兄弟 Aknaf 团队 habibi Mr Haidar(专业导游)和 Abdullah ‘伊拉克人 jason statham’ 先生(专业司机) Haidar 先生作为导游做得非常出色。从我个人的评价来看,他是 10/10 星。 他提供了许多有关伊拉克文化、历史和旅行技巧的知识。 他将确保所有基于计划的计划顺利进行,我在旅行期间从他那里学到了很多阿拉伯语单词 运输商 Abdullah 先生,从巴格达到巴士拉再到摩苏尔,以及伊拉克许多雄伟的地方。他的驾驶技术非常好。 Abdullah 先生和 Haidar 先生在夏季 50°c 的天气里总是会提供冷饮。他们在边境安全检查方面做得非常好 他们分享了很多关于文化和当地伊拉克美食的知识,这是我最喜欢的菜肴之一。 我们在当地餐馆吃了美味的饭菜,尽情享受“曼迪米饭”、香气扑鼻的热伊拉克柴和令人惊叹的水烟。 再说一次,如果您想去伊拉克旅行。只需直接向这家公司预订。问题解决了,安心了。相信我,如果我再次前往伊拉克。我一定会再次选择这家公司进行我的下一次冒险。 服务 100 颗星,因为他们用心和热情提供服务。 干得好,Aknaf 团队 专业。可靠。冒险 再次感谢你,Habibi Mautini。Mautini 伊拉克 🇮🇶🫡
Tripadvisor 会将旅行者之选大奖颁发给持续获得旅行者好评,并在 Tripadvisor 位列前 10%的酒店、景点和餐厅。
暂无点评。 成为第一个分享想法的人!
发布于: 北京
2023年11月 结伴旅行

I am writing this letter with immense gratitude to express my appreciation for the outstanding assistance provided by Aknaf Travel Agency during my unforgettable trip to Iraq. From the initial travel planning to the execution of the itinerary, your professionalism and exceptional skills have truly impressed me. You not only provided comprehensive information and advice before the journey but also demonstrated excellent organizational abilities throughout the entire trip, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience. In the places I visited, Aknaf Travel Agency offered me a diverse range of cultural experiences and deep insights into the local surroundings. The guides' informative explanations about the history, culture, and local customs were enlightening and enhanced my understanding of Iraq. Your attention to detail and sensitivity to customer needs were evident in the arrangements at each attraction, allowing me to fully appreciate the unique charm of the country. I appreciate Aknaf Travel Agency for crafting a perfect travel experience for me, and I will cherish the beautiful memories from this trip forever. I look forward to the opportunity to choose Aknaf Travel Agency again in the future to continue exploring more fascinating journeys. 在我所游览的地方,aknaf旅行社为我提供了丰富多彩的文化体验和深入的当地了解。导游们对历史、文化和风土人情的介绍让我受益匪浅,也使我对伊拉克这个国家有了更深刻的认识。在各个景点,您们的安排都体现了对细节的关注和对客户需求的敏感度,让我能够充分感受到这个国家独特的魅力。 除了行程的安排外,我特别感谢aknaf旅行社在我需要帮助时给予的迅速响应和热情帮助。您们的团队成员始终以微笑和专业的态度对待客户,让我在异国他乡感到宾至如归。

此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor 的观点。

发布于: 上海
2023年06月 独自旅行

I planned an 8-day trip to Iraq (South and North) and contacted Aknaf. Ahmed, the owner of Aknaf, replied promptly with detailed itinerary and quotation which was reasonable. All hotels were listed so you can easily check their ratings and reviews. Everything was well organized when I arrived in Baghdad at 3am. I met with Ahmed on the next day and he was a very reliable man. My guide Ali and driver Falas were great. Ali facilitated all procedures at checkpoints and arranged the daily itinerary with convenient flexibility. The restaurants where we ate were very well picked and I enjoyed every meal. We started from Baghdad with a leisurely boat ride on Tigris. Iraq National Museum is super worth visiting as you can have a glance of all the historical civilizations in Mesopotamia. Then we headed to the South till Basra, and we turned back to Baghdad before heading to the North, visiting Samarra, Hatra, Mosul and Erbil. On the last day they dropped me off at Suleimaniya airport for departure. During the whole journey, I felt safe, comfortable and enjoyable. Aknaf made all items on my wish list happen. Ali even made some extra detours to show me Agargouf ziggurat & Al-Kadim shrine. I would highly recommend Aknaf as the reliable & trustworthy partner who can make your dream trip to Mesopotamia come true. I believe this is the best way to visit Iraq and I will bring my family to come again. P.S. The local guide at Babylon site was great. Hope Aknaf can also arrange guides at places such as National Museum, Hatra, Ur etc. That would be very informative for travelers to better understand the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia. 非常推荐这家伊拉克本地的旅行社,他们也有定期出发的团,价格会更实惠,除了伊拉克他们也安排叙利亚,而且两地的直航也比较多,可以一起安排

此点评为 Tripadvisor 会员所写的主观评论,并不代表 Tripadvisor 的观点。
